Brief Description
"The Pitons, cirques and remparts of Reunion Island site coincides with the core zone of La Réunion National Park. The property covers more than 100,000 ha or 40 % of La Réunion, an island comprising two adjoining volcanic massifs located in the south-west of the Indian Ocean. Dominated by two towering volcanic peaks, massive walls and three cliff-rimmed cirques, the property includes a great variety of rugged terrain and impressive escarpments, forested gorges and basins creating a visually striking landscape. It is the natural habitat for a wide diversity of plants, presenting a high level of endemism. There are subtropical rainforests, cloud forests and heaths creating a remarkable and visually appealing mosaic of ecosystems and landscape features."
"这一自然遗址与留尼汪国家公园的中心区相邻,占地10多万公顷,即相当于留尼汪岛面积的40%。留尼汪岛由两座位于印度洋 西南部的火山山脉组成。在此遗址内,两座高耸的火山峰、巨大的峭壁与三座悬崖边的冰斗俯瞰着岛屿,其下峭壁与森林覆盖着的峡谷与盆地交相呼应,共同形成一 幅壮阔的图画。这里是植物的天然栖息地,不仅植物种类繁多,而且多为本地独特的品种。亚热带雨林、云雾林和沼泽地交织在一起,宛如一个由生态系统和各种景 物组成的马赛克。"
Source UNESCO WH website

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