Brief Description
Seventeen decorated caves of the Paleolithic age were inscribed as an extension to the Altamira Cave, inscribed in 1985. The property will now appear on the List as Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain. The property represents the apogee of Paleolithic cave art that developed across Europe, from the Urals to the Iberian Peninusula, from 35,000 to 11,000 BC. Because of their deep galleries, isolated from external climatic influences, these caves are particularly well preserved. The caves are inscribed as masterpieces of creative genius and as the humanity’s earliest accomplished art. They are also inscribed as exceptional testimonies to a cultural tradition and as outstanding illustrations of a significant stage in human history.
Source UNESCO WH website
310-001 Altamira
310-002 La Peña de Candamo
310-003 Tito Bustillo
310-004 Covaciella
310-005 Llonín
310-006 El Pindal
310-007 Chufín
310-008 Hornos de la Peña
310-009 Monte Castillo - El Castillo
310-010 Monte Castillo - Las Monedas
310-011 Monte Castillo - La Pasiega
310-012 Monte Castillo - Las Chimeneas
310-013 El Pendo
310-014 La Garma
310-015 Covalanas
310-016 Santimamiñe
310-017 Ekain
310-018 Altxerri

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